Study Tour "Fight Trafficking in Persons"






(Paris, French, 22-23-24 January 2018)

Within the context of the project on “Improving Capacities to Fight Human Trafficking in Lebanon”, a study tour was organized to France in cooperation with the French Institute of Judicial Studies and included the participation of the expert group of specialized judges and prosecutors.

During the tour, the participants were introduced to the French and European experiences in combating and punishing TIP crimes. They were also informed on the specialized units, their role and duties, in addition to the investigation techniques used by the French authorities in TIP crimes.

The participants were also briefed on the mechanisms available for cooperation between the various concerned parties, namely the specialized police, the judicial police and the victim protection centers.

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Second Training of Trainer Session on "Fighting Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon"






(Beirut – Smallville Hotel, 10th and 12th of January, 2018)

Within the context of “Improving Capacities to Fight Human Trafficking in Lebanon” a second ‘Training of Trainers’ session was held non-consecutively on the 10th and 12th of January 2018 at the Smallville hotel which featured the participation of the expert group of specialized judges and prosecutors.

During the session, a comprehensive overview of the topic of trafficking in persons was undertaken. In addition, several practical applications and training exercises on modern training methods were implemented on TIP-related topics.

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First Training of Trainer Session on "Fighting Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon"






(Beirut – Smallville Hotel, 14th and 15th of December, 2017)

Within the context of the project on “Improving Capacities to Fight Human Trafficking in Lebanon”, one ‘Training of Trainers’ session was held on the 14th and 15th of December 2017 at the Smallville hotel.

The session brought together an expert group of specialized judges and prosecutors and featured the presentation of modern training methods and tools, including interactive training methodologies. The session also covered ways to organize and design training sessions and a variety of practical training applications.

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The Fourth Follow-up Session on "Combating Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon"

(Beirut – Monroe Hotel, 23 November, 2017)

Within the context of the project on “Improving Capacities to Fight Human Trafficking in Lebanon”, and further to the six training workshops held for judges and prosecutors, a follow-up session was organized on the 23rd of November 2017 in the Monroe Hotel, Beirut.

During the session, participants discussed the practical implementation of Anti-trafficking law No 164/2011. The participating judges and prosecutors briefly presented the practical challenges related to the application of said law. Moreover, the participants have proposed recommendations to overcome the challenges and enhance the implementation of the Anti-trafficking law in light of the cases presented before the various Lebanese courts.

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The Third Follow-up Session on "Combating Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon"

(Beirut – Monroe Hotel,  16 November, 2017)

Within the context of the project on “Improving Capacities to Fight Human Trafficking in Lebanon”, and further to the six training workshops held for judges and prosecutors, a follow-up session was organized on the 16th of November 2017 in the Monroe Hotel, Beirut.

During the session, participants discussed the practical implementation of Anti-trafficking law No 164/2011. The participating judges and prosecutors briefly presented the practical challenges related to the application of said law. Moreover, the participants proposed some recommendations to overcome the challenges and enhance the implementation of the Anti-trafficking law in light of the cases presented before the various Lebanese courts.

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The Second Follow-up Session on "Combating Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon"






(Beirut – Monroe Hotel, 09 November, 2017)

Within the context of the project on “Improving Capacities to Fight Human Trafficking in Lebanon”, and further to the six training workshops held for judges and prosecutors, a follow-up session was organized on the 9th of November 2017 in the Monroe Hotel, Beirut.
During the session, the participants have discussed the practical implementation of the Anti-trafficking law No 164/2011. The participating judges and prosecutors have briefly presented the practical challenges related to the application of the said law. Moreover, the participants have proposed some recommendations to overcome the challenges and enhance the implementation of the Anti-trafficking law in the light of the cases presented before the various Lebanese courts.

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The First Follow-up Session on "Combating Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon"

(Beirut – Monroe Hotel,  03 November, 2017)

Within the context of the project on “Improving Capacities to Fight Human Trafficking in Lebanon”, and further to the six training workshops held for judges and prosecutors, a follow-up session was organized on the 3rd of November 2017 in the Monroe Hotel, Beirut.

During the session, the participants have discussed the practical implementation of the Anti-trafficking law No 164/2011.  The participating judges and prosecutors have briefly presented the practical challenges related to the application of the said law. Moreover, the participants have proposed some recommendations to overcome the challenges and enhance the implementation of the Anti-trafficking law in the light of the cases presented before the various Lebanese courts.

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Training workshop on “Combating Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon”

(Beirut-Institute of Judicial Studies 24-25 October, 2017)

Within the objective of enhancing the capacity of the Lebanese judiciary to fight trafficking in persons crime, a training workshop was organized for a group of trainee judges on the 24th and 25th of October 2017 at the Institute of Judicial Studies, Beirut.

The workshop included presentations on several topics, namely the elements of the human trafficking crime and its distinction from other types of crimes, the domestic and international legislative frameworks of human trafficking, as well as the best practices, the European and international experiences in the field of combatting trafficking in persons crime.

The sessions witnessed deep and interesting discussions, mainly around the elements and indicators of human trafficking, the distinction between human trafficking and other forms of crimes, the protection system of victims and witnesses.

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Training workshop on “Combating Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon”

(Beirut-Institute of Judicial Studies 04-05 July, 2017)

Within the objective of enhancing the capacity of the Lebanese judiciary to fight trafficking in persons crime, a training workshop was organized for a group of trainee judges on the 4th and 5th of July 2017 at the Institute of Judicial Studies, Beirut.

The opening session was attended by high level participants, namely the Minister of Justice Mr. Salim Jreissaty; the President of the Higher Judicial Council, Judge Jean Fahed; the Director General of the Ministry of Justice, Judge Mayssam Noueiry; the President of the Institute of Judicial Studies Judge Nada Dakroub and the Director of the Institute of Judicial Studies Judge Suheil Abboud.

The workshop included presentations on several topics, namely the elements of the human trafficking crime and its distinction from other types of crimes, the domestic and international legislative frameworks of human trafficking, as well as the best practices, the European and international experiences in the field of combatting trafficking in persons crime.

The sessions witnessed deep and interesting discussions, mainly around the elements and indicators of human trafficking, the distinction between human trafficking and other forms of crimes, the protection system of victims and witnesses.

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Sixth training workshop on “Combating Trafficking in Persons in Lebanon”

(Beirut 16-17 June, 2017)

Within the objective of enhancing the capacity of the Lebanese judiciary to fight trafficking in persons crime, a training workshop was organized for a group of judges and prosecutors from the Mount-Lebanon governorate on the 16th and 17th of June in The Small Ville Hotel, Beirut.

The opening session was attended by high level participants, namely the President of the Higher Judicial Council, Judge Jean Fahed, the President of the Criminal Chamber at the Court of Cassation, Judge Suheir Harake, and the trainers; in addition to the first president in the Mount-Lebanon governorate, Judge Nassib Elia.

The workshop included presentations on several topics, namely the elements of the human trafficking crime and its distinction from other types of crimes, the domestic and international legislative frameworks of human trafficking, as well as the best practices and international experiences in the field of combatting trafficking in persons crime.

The sessions witnessed deep and interesting discussions, mainly around the shortcomings of the national legal framework and the required modifications to ensure conformity with the key relevant international instruments.

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